



nametypedefaultdescriptionrequired version
typestringdefaultbutton style type, one of default, primary, warn--
disabledbooleanfalseif disable the button--
textstringbutton text, has the same function as default slot--
minibooleanfalseif use smaller style--
plainbooleanfalseif use plain styles which has no backgroundColor--
action-typestringbutton's type value, one of submit, button, reset--
linkstringvue-router path, BACK is alias to go(-1)v2.3.5
show-loadingbooleanfalseshow loading icon--
gradientsarrayiOS design gradients, Array length should be 2v2.7.4


namedescriptionrequired version
defaultbutton text--


namedefaultdescriptioninherited name
@button-global-border-radius 5px border radius
@button-global-font-color #FFFFFF font color
@button-global-margin-top 15px margin-top value between previous button, not works when there is only one button
@button-global-height 42px button height
@button-global-disabled-font-color rgba(255,255,255,.6) the font color in disabled
@button-global-active-font-color rgba(255,255,255,.6) the font color in disabled
@button-global-font-size 18px font size
@button-mini-font-size 13px the font size of the mini type
@button-mini-line-height 2.3 the line height of the mini type
@button-warn-bg-color #E64340 the background color of the warn type
@button-warn-active-color #CE3C39 the background color of the warn type in active
@button-warn-disabled-bg-color #EC8B89 the background color of the warn type in disabled
@button-default-bg-color #F8F8F8 the background color of the default type
@button-default-font-color #000000 the font color of the default type
@button-default-active-bg-color #DEDEDE the background color of the default type in active
@button-default-disabled-font-color rgba(0,0,0,.3) the font color of the default type in disabled
@button-default-disabled-bg-color #F7F7F7 the background color of the default type in disabled
@button-default-active-font-color rgba(0,0,0,.6) the font color of the default type in active
@button-primary-bg-color #1AAD19 the background color of the primary type
@button-primary-active-bg-color #179B16 the background color of the primary type in active
@button-primary-disabled-bg-color #9ED99D the background color of the primary type in disabled
@button-plain-primary-color rgba(26,173,25,1) the font color of the plain primary type
@button-plain-primary-border-color rgba(26,173,25,1) the border color of the plain primary type
@button-plain-primary-active-color rgba(26,173,25,.6) the font color of the plain primary type in active
@button-plain-primary-active-border-color rgba(26,173,25,.6) the border color of the plain primary type in active
@button-plain-default-color rgba(53,53,53,1) the font color of the plain default type
@button-plain-default-border-color rgba(53,53,53,1) the border color of the plain default type
@button-plain-default-active-color rgba(53,53,53,.6) the font color of the plain default type in active
@button-plain-default-active-border-color rgba(53,53,53,.6) the border color of the plain default type in active
@button-plain-warn-color rgba(206,60,57,1) the font color of the plain warn type
@button-plain-warn-border-color rgba(206,60,57,1) the border color of the plain warn type
@button-plain-warn-active-color rgba(206,60,57,.6) the font color of the plain warn type in active
@button-plain-warn-active-border-color rgba(206,60,57,.6) the border color of the plain warn type in active


  • Q@click event binding not working

    As Vuedocument says,use .native modifier for v-on, so you should use @click.native



Total commits quantity: 34,Total contributors quantity: 7




  • v2.9.2 [feature] support styles variable for button #2748
  • v2.9.0 [feature] support plain for warn-button #2478
  • v2.7.5 [fix] fix plain and disabled class error
  • v2.7.4 [feature] add prop:gradients for iOS design gradients
  • v2.7.1 [enhance] support object-link #2068
  • v2.5.0 [feature] Add primary、warn disabled bg color. #1630
  • v2.1.1-rc.10 [feature] Add default disabled bg color. #896
  • v2.1.1-rc.3 [fix] Fix no loading style if not using Loading component #986 @malaimoo
  • v2.1.1-rc.12 [fix] Fix primary button active background-color