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import { Actionsheet } from 'vux'


name type default version description
value Boolean false if showing the component; use v-model for binding
show-cancel Boolean false if showing the cancel menu; invalid for android theme
cancel-text String cancel(取消) text of cancel menu
theme String ios theme of menus, can be in [‘ios’, ‘android’]
menus Object
{} menu items, for example: {menu1: 'some text'}, menu name with .noop will not trigger click events.
Menus supports array since v2.1.0. Keys can be customized. More details below.
close-on-clicking-mask Boolean true v2.0.0 if closing actionsheet when clicking on mask
close-on-clicking-menu Boolean true v2.3.8 if hide automatically when clicking on menus


name params description version
on-click-menu (menuKey, menuItem) triggers when clicking on the menu
on-click-menu-{menuKey} (menuKey) shortcut event for easier listening, menuKey is related to label. For exapmple, you can listen on on-click-menu-delete if you have a menu named delete
on-click-menu-cancel triggers when clicking on the cancel menu
on-click-mask triggers when clicking on mask v2.3.4

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From v2.1.0, menus supports type: Array.

label: label name,you can use simple text or html

value: event name,if not specified, no on-click-menu will be emitted


  • primary primary color
  • warn warn color
  • disabled gray color, the menu cannot be clicked
  • info the menu item shows as a tip, the same function as key.noop when setting menus by Object.
  label: 'Are you sure?<br/><span style="color:#666;font-size:12px;">Once deleted, you will never find it.</span>',
  type: 'info'
}, {
  label: 'Primary',
  type: 'primary',
  value: 'primary'
}, {
  label: 'Warn',
  type: 'warn'
}, {
  label: 'Disabled',
  type: 'disabled'
}, {
  label: 'Default'


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import { Alert } from 'vux'

This component can be imported as plugin:

When importing it as plugin, the usage is different from it in `template`. Please use `little camel-case` such as `buttonText` instead of `button-text`.

import  { AlertPlugin } from 'vux'

// or the way of umd
// import built js file
// show
  title: 'Vux is Cool',
  content: 'Do you agree?',
  onShow () {
    console.log('Plugin: I\'m showing')
  onHide () {
    console.log('Plugin: I\'m hiding')
// hide


name type default version description
value Boolean false visibility of the component, use v-model for binding
title String title
content String v2.2.0 alert content, and will be replaced if using slot:default
button-text String ok(确定) button text
hide-on-blur Boolean false if closing dialog when clicking on mask
mask-transition String vux-fade mask transition
dialog-transition String vux-dialog dialog transition
mask-z-index Number
1000 v2.6.4 zIndex of mask


name description version
default dialog content


name params description version
on-show emits when dialog shows
on-hide emits when dialog is closed

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import { Confirm } from 'vux'


name type default version description
show Boolean false visibility of the component
show-input Boolean false v2.5.0 whether show input or not. If true, slot will not work
placeholder String v2.5.0 placeholder of prompt, valid when show-input is true
theme String ios dialog’s style, can be ios or android
hide-on-blur Boolean false if closing dialog when clicking on mask
title String dialog title
content String dialog content, can use html. Invalid when using slot
confirm-text String 确认(confirm) text of confirm button
cancel-text String 取消(cancel) text of cancel button
mask-transition String vux-fade mask’s transition
dialog-transition String vux-dialog dialog’s transition
close-on-confirm Boolean true v2.5.0 whether close automatically when confirm button is clicked
input-attrs Object v2.5.7 input attributes
mask-z-index Number
1000 v2.6.4 zIndex of mask


name description version
default body content of the dialog


name params description version
on-cancel triggers when the cancel button is clicked
on-confirm (value) triggers when the confirm button is clicked
on-show triggers when the dialog shows
on-hide triggers when the dialog hides


name params description version
v2.6.4 [feature] support prop:mask-z-index
setInputValue (value) set input value when show-input is true v2.5.5

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import { Loading } from 'vux'


name type default version description
show Boolean false visibility of the component. Use v-model for binding before v2.5.7, otherwise use :show
text String loading text
position String fixed position, default is fixed, you can use absolute
transition String vux-mask transition name


name description version
default content area

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import { Popup } from 'vux'


name type default version description
value Boolean visibility of popup, use v-model for binding
height String auto popup height, works when position is top or bottom
hide-on-blur Boolean true if closing popup when mask being clicked
is-transparent Boolean false v2.1.1-rc.9 if using transparent background
width String auto v2.2.1-rc.6 if you want to set 100% width, you should use this prop. only works when position is left or right
position String bottom v2.2.1-rc.6 popup position, shoule be one of [‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’]
show-mask Boolean true v2.2.1-rc.6 whether show mask
popup-style Object v2.5.2 popup style
hide-on-deactivated Boolean true v2.5.5 whether hide popup on deactived event when using keep-alive


name description version
default content body


name params description version
on-hide emits when then popup is closed
on-show emits when the popup shows
on-first-show emits at the first time the popup shows

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import { Toast } from 'vux'


name type default version description
value Boolean false if showing toast, use v-model for binding
time Number 2000 show time
type String success toast type, success, warn, cancel, text
width String 7.6em toast’s width
is-show-mask Boolean false if showing mask, users cannot operate other elements on the page
text String content of the toast, text or html, the same function as default slot
position String default v2.1.1-rc.4 toast position, available values: default, top, middle, bottom


name description version
default default slot, the content of the toast


name params description version
on-show emits when toast shows
on-hide emits when toast hides

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import { XDialog } from 'vux'

if you use `XDialog` inside `ViewBox` or use `overflowScrolling:touch`,please should import `directive:transfer-dom` to fix `z-index` invalid issue。

otherwise, you don't need to use `v-transfer-dom`.

import { TransferDomDirective as TransferDom } from 'vux'

export default {
  directives: {

<div v-transfer-dom>


name type default version description
show Boolean false visibility of the dialog, supports the .sync modifier
mask-transition String vux-mask transition of mask
dialog-transition String vux-dialog transition of dialog body
hide-on-blur Boolean false if closing dialog when clicking on mask
scroll Boolean true [deprecated]if body content can scroll when scrolling on dialog
dialog-style Object v2.2.2 set dialog styles, you can use it for overwritting default width and background style
mask-z-index Number
1000 v2.6.4 zIndex of mask


name description version
default main content of the dialog


name params description version
on-show emits when opening dialog
on-hide emits when closing dialog

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